
Number Bib + 2x UHF Shoe Lace Transponders, with a superior accuracy in Race timing

IdenPro’s A4 sized Tyvek sheet comprises of 4 parts, the Tyvek number bib, 2 UHF Shoe-lace transponders and instructions on how to use the A4 Tyvek sheet. Each part is separated by a perforation for easy tearing.

The A4 Tyvek sheet is supplied with clean 4c and variable data printing. The number bib features punched out holes on all 4 corners for easy application onto the participant. The product is tear-resistant, waterproof, stretch resistant, flexible and durable

The 2 UHF shoe lace transponders are lightweight and comfortable with 4c printing and data encoding, matched with the variable data printed on the Tyvek number bib. It carries 4 punched out holes for easy insertion for the shoelaces. The transponders send out a unique signal that enables the system to easily identify the participant and record their respective times. The UHF Shoe-Lace transponders provide good branding opportunities for sponsors and overall stands out as a highly durable and cost-effective solution

The A4 Tyvek bibs are pre-assembled and ready to use straight out of the box. This eliminates all hassles of assembling the product.


  • Marathon and Triathlons
  • Sprint Races

For more details please drop us an inquiry or us call at +32 470 311 907 and we will be glad to respond to you as quickly as possible.